EdAlert: A brief message for AGU students.

A word from AGU about...


When a student registers for a course, five months seems like plenty of time to complete it. Sometimes, depending on your work responsibilities and family activities, you may finish the course early. However, quite often you will need the entire five months.

Generally, you will need to complete 5 - 6 lessons a month in order to stay on schedule. It is important to remember that you have five months to complete the entire course, not five months plus another month to complete the final examination. All lessons and the final examination must be completed by your five month end date. By the time you receive the four month electronic reminder from AGU you should be finishing up your lessons and preparing for your final examination. Within four and ½ months you should have completed all your lessons, scheduled an appointment with your proctor if your examination must be proctored, and requested the final examination from Student Services.

If you budget your study time carefully to allow for life's surprises, you'll be right on track to finish by your end date.

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