A word from AGU about...
The purpose of this EdAlert is to emphasize to students the importance of reading the guidance that we send you at the beginning of your studies and at intervals throughout your program.
Student Services and the Registrar's office too often receives calls or emails from students complaining that they did not know they had to take a final exam in a course even though the requirement for a final exam is covered in the Course Welcome Page in CourseWebs, the instructors' welcome messages, the Student Handbook and in several other places.
This is just one instance of a student not being aware of the requirements. Others include students not opening their Acceptance Package at the beginning of their program; students not reading their lesson assignment in the Study Guide and then studying the wrong material; or students receiving veteran’s benefits not reviewing their work plan with the risk of falling behind and being reported to the VA for lack of progress.
While the majority of students do read the materials that are sent to them and ask questions where they need clarification, others unfortunately do not. So please take the time to read the guidance and messages we send you. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have after that.
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