EdAlert: A brief message for AGU students.

A word from AGU about...


Students who do not complete their course including the final exam within the original five month term must request an extension. All extensions must start the day after the initial term or previous extension ends. Students must submit work within 10 days of any extension start date.*

Students in good standing will be eligible for the following:

First Extension: 60 days – Complimentary
Second Extension: 30 days – $100 fee
Third Extension: 30 days – $100 fee
Fourth Extension: 30 days – $100 fee

If the student has not completed the course by the end of the fourth extension (which is the equivalent of two five-month terms), the student must re-enroll at the full tuition rate. The student will be placed on Academic Probation. The student must clear up the incomplete course during the probation term to avoid dismissal from the University.

*Submission of Assignments: Students must submit work to the Coursewebs Online Learning Management System within ten days of their extension or re-enrollment start date. If work is not submitted within the first ten days, the student may lose access to the Coursewebs system; lose their extension or re-enrollment approval; be placed on academic probation; and/or be required to start the course over and pay the full course tuition. These actions will be taken at the discretion of the University.

About Tuition Assistance and Extensions/Re-enrollments: Any extension/re-enrollment granted by American Graduate University does not alter the student's tuition assistance agreement with, or financial responsibility to, their funding organization. Students are responsible for obtaining approval from their funding organization for any changes to their original tuition assistance agreement completion dates. Failure to secure this approval from their funding organization may result in the student having to repay the tuition assistance amount back to the funding organization.

VA Students: Any extension granted by AGU will not extend your VA benefits.

To request an extension, please visit our website at agu.edu and click on the Student Center/Register tab, then the Forms tab.

To re-enroll, please register for the course as you would a new one at agu.edu by clicking on the Student Center/Register tab, then the Register for Courses tab.

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