Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) is an analysis methodology and management process, which is applied to virtually every major acquisition program in both the military and civilian sectors. The guiding principles of Integrated Logistics Support form the basis for achieving the highest level of capability within an acceptable cost of ownership.
ILS provides the balance between the performance and supportability characteristics of a system that must be formed with a reasonable investment in both the system design and the necessary support infrastructure. The logistics for a given system (or mix of systems) is lifecycle oriented, and the implementation of program-related requirements in this area necessitates a highly interdisciplinary approach. The logistician and their application, and customer contract and operational personnel across the board. This course will provide the basis for acquiring those core competencies utilizing three fundamental objectives: (1) Defining a Supportable Design; (2) Developing a Support Solution; and (3) Defining the Logistic Management Process.
Introduction to Logistics |
Level of Repair Analysis |
The Evolving System Requirement |
Logistics Support Information Management |
Creating the Design Solution |
Manpower and Personnel |
Reliability, Maintainability, Testability, and Failure Modes, Effects, and Critical Analysis (FMECA) |
Support Equipment |
Supportability Characteristics |
Provisioning and Supply Support |
Functional Support Analysis |
Technical Manuals |
Reliability-Centered Maintenance |
Training and Training Equipment |
Software Support |
Facilities |
Availability |
Packaging, Handling, Storage, and Transportability |
Cost of Ownership |
Logistics Management Plans |
Logistics Support Analysis |
Contracts |
Physical Support Analysis |
Logistics Management |